Friday, April 15, 2011

"It's only 2.50 and it fucks you up!"

One of my friends drinks this hazard in a can. Not to name any names, lets just use the nickname Leibs, loves this stuff. The breakfast of champions she would say. It is basically like a protein shake-good at any time of the day, so she believes. I couldn't help but blog about her latest habit.

Here is everything you need to know about Four Loko:

1. It was banned from sale due to its insane tasty goodness.

2. Watch out, it will kill ya!

3. Multiple flavors that make you look like you ate a parrot.

4. It is conveniently found at convenience stations.

5. It is 12% alcohol, 100% regret the morning after.

6. It has a catchy theme song "She said uh oh, I'm on the Four Loko"

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