Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have fallen in love again!

For those of you that know me well, you can recall that I have an obsession with rainbows. Even better rainbow sprinkles....but let's not get off track. I was reading the Everyday magazine by the cooking goddess Racheal Ray when I stumbled across a recipe to make rainbow cake. I stopped dead in my tracks and read the article three times, just to make sure I wouldn't forget how to make it.

Then I made the worst mistake of all...I googled it. Oh Lordy, I about had a heart attack from all the awesomeness being displayed on my iPad screen. I wanted to make everyone I saw. I actually may put that goal on my bucket list. I am only 24 I can totally achieve it.

The process is fairly simple. Just a white cake mix and some food coloring. Really thats all. Some of them are seperate cakes put together in layers, while others are mixed together in the batter. Here are some of my favorites. Let's take a look.

The process. Even the dirty dishes are beautiful!

The muti layer approach.

Extreme multiple layering.

The cupcake.

Rainbow cake in a jar. What the nuts! I totally am making this! They also had. Bazillion other recipes on this website for cakes in a jar. Check it Cake in a jar

The swirled batter kind.

The wedding cake.

My favorite. Perfect form, color, and sprinkle proportions.

Pure bliss. Don't you just want to make these!

Location:Holy Cross, Iowa

Friday, August 5, 2011

Top 10 things we didn't know about Italy and Switzerland

1. Most all beds have two mattresses and two blankets. Its amazing to have your own stuff but still be in the same bed.

2. Their main major transportation is by train between country to country.

3. All their pop is in glass or a skinny can. I wish America would adopt this.

4. In Italy it smells. Bad. Real bad.

5. Gelato is everywhere. And it is delicious! In Rome their was a Gelateria on every city block.

6. In italy, They drive like maniacs and will run you over with their Vespas or Fiats.

7. They call the bathroom a water closet! Or as I like to call it the 'ol WC.

8. Ice cubes are hard to come by. They hardly ever use them.

9. In Switzerland they use rocks to keep their roofs on due to crazy winter weather!

10. All the temperature is in Celcius and time is in Military.

Location:Holy cross, Iowa