Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Farm

Oh goodness... I have started a frenzy in the cat! She jumps off our bed the moment my feet hit the hardwood floors in the morning. She makes a mad dash for the door downstairs and waits on the door mat until I am ready to go, just like a typical dog. She loves riding in the car!

Her favorite spot in the car is standing on the center council looking out the front window!

Field work isn't my specialty. It usually ends up with me breaking something and getting yelled at for it. Although, my Dad has gotten much more mellow with age, and I have gotten more bold with my word choices when the situation does arrive.  

He asked me to do some hay teddering yesterday and it went well for the most part. He claimed it was the easiest job on the farm and that I couldn't screw it up. Essentially it is just fluffing the hay up and spreading it around so it will dry faster. Kind of like stirring in a recipe. 

The jist to making hay: 1. Cut 2. Tedder 3. Rake 4. Bale  

Finished product....ultimately my arch nemesis. I hate unloading hay!

When I was younger I had a pet cow named Ginger. She was mostly white like this little guy. We only have like 3 white cows on the whole farm at the moment, so I was super excited to see this one born! So cute!

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