Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Montana Trip: Day 3

For the next three days we would drive up to Many Glacier to go hiking or to shower. Surprisingly the showers were nice and only cost $2.50 for 8 minutes of water, so not luxury showering there.  On the way there animals would always be right next to the road and wouldn't be bothered by the cars. Here are some horses that I could have touched from the car window.

Out in the mountains, trees covered every inch of them in the foothills and valleys. As we continued driving, we saw the devastation that forest fires left behind from years ago.

Many Glacier was always packed everyday with lots of people hiking, touring, and camping. Our first hike we chose was  to see Iceberg Lake. It was a five mile hike that climbed 1200 feet and along the way a waterfall called Ptarmigan Falls was on the trail. 

Out in Glacier they have these things called weeping walls and I am drinking from it! 
Just kidding thats gross. 

Here is Chris at a mini waterfall and a cute chipmunk on the trail. 

Finally at about 3 miles we came across Ptarmigan Falls! 

Most of the trails were very well kept until you got to the top and had to truck through snow. It was weird having show and it being 75 degrees out. Our destination of Iceberg lake lies in the crater of those mountains. The snow  and sun wasn't working in our favor of taking pictures this day. 
On the way there I had to befriend some trees! I am literally a tree hugger. Some nice people took a photo of us and we took one of them! 

Next we finally arrive!  A break and some food. It was freezing up there. The water is literally that turquoise color. It is gorgeous in person. The water is that color due to rock flour, sun's angle, and water depth. 

I took this picture and then went to the gift store to buy a postcard and wah-lah my picture was right there on it! Creepy! 

After we descended from the mountains we decided to go check out the hotel that sits on the lake. Inside Chris found a bighorn sheep that he wanted to feed.  

After ordering an appetizer and a few beers we decided to head back to Cut Bank for the night. As we were driving out, there was a parade of people pulled over to look at some animal. To our surprise it was a Bull Moose! I snapped this goody of him. In Glacier, you don't look for animals, you look for people looking for animals.

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