Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Florence to Venice

We started off the day by walking down to the square with the duomo in Florence. It wasn't open yet and there were long lines, so we opted to walk around the outside and take photos and then just move on. After awhile all the churches and museums start to look the same. The gold doors are from the baptistry nd the other is of the bell tower.

On the walk back we stopped at a small Leonardo DaVinci museum thT was pretty neat. Chris loved it. Science and math. Enough said. Mona Lisa anyone?

Then we got on the fast train ride to Venice. It was only 2 hours to get there.
Upon arrival we walked to our stay. Which is a small little B&B run by a family. They just have two rooms off of there house. Our windows were the two in the middle on the right. Marco, the owner, explained the good eats and where to stay away from on the island. It surprisingly doesn't smell here. Only a bad whiff and here And there. I don't think I have mentioned it much yet but Italy smells bad. The people have B.O. And the streets smell and there is garbage everywhere.

After settling into out room, we ventured out for a walk. There is a mAin street where all the tourists are and it is super busy. it sux walking on this street so we try to take the back roads as much as possible. But Venice is VERY EASY to get lost in and then have no clue how to get back. On the main drag ia the Rialto, the famous bridge and then tons of little shops. Masks are very popular over here, so is glass making. In the picture they are super duper tiny!

The canals are beautiful and the houses all have flowers out their window boxes. The gondoliers are just like in the pictures.

Later on that night, we ate at a local joint. We bought an appetizer plate and split it. 25 euro so like 35$ American money. And then drinks onto of that. It is expensive to eat over here!

I forgot to mention that there displays in their windows are impeccable. I love going past the noodle shops! They have rainbow pasta here!

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Location:Venice Italy

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