Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fox facts

Exciting news! We have a mother fox and 5 pups living on the farm. They currently are living in a run down old chicken coup beneath the cement floor. The bottom is sand so they dug tunnels all throughout the underside of the floor. We usually only get to see them in the early morning around 8:30. This is when they are playing with each other and do a bit of sunning themselves. Occasionally they beat up the mother fox which is adorable. I had some old chicken breast, so I gave them a peace offering. Needless to say they were gone the next morning.

I read up on the red fox and found a lot of information and thought it would be fun to share. Enjoy this useless knowledge.

1. Fox have their kids in the spring, usually March. They can have up to12 in a litter but the average is 5.

2. The pups are born deaf and blind for the first two weeks of their life. During this time the mother takes care of them while the father hunts for food and delivers back to the den.

3. Fox usually eat small rodents and birds. They will also eat berries, fruit, and nuts!

4. Fox like cats. They actually see them as superior and usually don't pick a fight with them unless necessary.

5. Mothers teach their young how to hunt and kill using a fancy pouncing technique by bringing back live rodents to the den for them to practice with.

6. By October, the pups are all grown up and are adults living on their own.

Location:Farley,United States

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