Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pastry Bag Fail!

Today I went down to visit my 3 horses in their pasture connected to the timber. I needed to see if Woody's eye was getting any better-he seems to have poked it with a stick while grazing, and it is now all watery and extremely uncomfortable for him. Tomorrow I will treat it with a triple antibiotic and flush it out with some Clear Eyes for horses. I decided since I was down there I would walk the pasture and pull out any cockaburrs. Long story short, I was trying to pull a giant one out of the ground and they ended up getting all in my hair. Seriously. It was terrible. I can relate to my horses now.

Yesterday I baked some amazing cupcakes. We had left over filling from Easter so I just needed the cupcakes. They turned out great and today I needed to fill them. I didn't have a pastry bag so I decided I would improvise with a plastic ziplock bag. It was going surprisingly well. I had two done and then in the middle of filling the third one, it blew a giant hole out the side seam! What a disaster. I had to clean that all up, salvage what filling I could, and then think of a new idea. I ended up using scotch tape to reinforce the seams on the plastic bag and it worked like a charm! The end result of the cupcakes is pure bliss. I can't take credit for it. Rather than me typing the recipe out, here is the link for Heavenly Surprise Cupcakes. Enjoy!

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